How do I make my first shipment?

1) In the Dashboard you will see various options. To make your first shipment, all you have to do is click on Send your products manually.

2) Choose the option you want and click Start.

3) To choose the place where you are going to send the shipment, click on it and click Continue.

4) In the Location step click below Deliver to write the address or drag the cursor inside the map to choose the location inside the map. Once you are happy with the address, click Continue.

5) On the confirmation screen you will get the information on the estimated delivery value and how long it will take. To proceed, click Continue.

6) In case you have chosen: Charge and deliver your products! Put the value of the product(s) you sold so that the delivery person can collect this value for you and deliver it to you. Click on Continue.

7) In case you have chosen: Charge and deliver your products! Under My Rate you can enter the shipping value that you charge your customer. The dealer will collect this money for you as well. Important: In no case should you pay the shipping (Picker Rate) directly to the delivery person.

8) Finally, you have to enter your client's data so that they receive notifications about the shipment and so that the delivery person has this data in case he requires directions to reach the address. Once entered, click Continue to send.